How often do you see your I.T. professional? Taking a proactive approach to the maintenance of your software is imperative to the safety of the data within your system. With hackers always developing new ways to access your information, free security software just isn’t going to cut it. By having an I.T. professional regularly patch your devices, you can protect yourself and your clients from the unknown.
What is a Patch?
Let’s start by addressing what patches are and the purpose they serve. Patches are software update codes that are patched, or inserted, into the existing code of a program. They are commonly used as a temporary fix to a problem, much like a Band-Aid to a wound.
Here are a few instances in which you might use a patch:
- Fix a software bug
- Install new drivers
- Upgrade existing software
- Address security vulnerabilities
- Correct issues of software instability
Installing a patch, depending on the type, can sometimes be as easy as installing an update on your computer or device. Examples of this would be operating system patches and application security patches that are dispatched by companies like Microsoft and Apple. Server patches are a different story. Since they often require a reboot of the server, they should be completed by an experienced managed I.T. services company in Philadelphia. Varying in size, from kilobytes to megabytes, patches alter existing programming code by modifying it or even replacing it altogether.
Why is Patching Important?
Not only is it important to stay proactive when it comes to patch management and your business, but it’s also critical that you implement patches as they are released to improve your computer’s performance, keep information protected, and combat any security vulnerabilities.
Regularly patching your software can provide you with the following benefits:
- Improves computer performance. As mentioned previously, most bugs within your software can be fixed with patches. Companies tend to find out about these imperfections through consumer feedback. However, all patches aren’t made for the sake of fixing bugs — sometimes patches are used to add new features to computer software. Some updates may be created specifically to improve the performance on legacy devices.
- Keeps your information protected. No matter what industry of business you are involved in, it is likely that you have sensitive client or proprietary information on hand. Not regularly patching your devices can turn your system into a magnet for viruses and malware.
- Combats security vulnerabilities. Once security vulnerabilities are detected, patches are released, at which point it is in your hands whether or not to put them into place. Hackers often keep an eye out for announcements that involve patches and security vulnerabilities. Shortly following these announcements, they will try to attack any computer that may have been affected and hasn’t been patched yet. This is a perfect example of why putting off device updates can be detrimental.
By keeping your devices up-to-date, you are creating an environment that will keep hackers at bay. Although a slew of updates may seem annoying and can be viewed as a hassle, there is a lot of good that comes with them. For the sake of important company data and client information, regularly patching your devices can significantly increase security measures within your business.
Contact Shock I.T. Support for your patch management needs and I.T. solutions!